About us.
OwneD by sisters, $a$$ypant$ is primarily a festival wear brand That wants everbody to feel SeEn, our clothing is not for the faint hearted aNd we want you to Embody The babe you are! Everybody is welcome here. thank you for alLowing us to follow Our dreams, none of this would be possible without you lot.


‘I gOt My inspiration from the australian
festival scene and found It hard to cater foR my specific style and thats how $a$$ypant$ was born. I’m head designer here at SASsy aND my main mission is to creatE the Coolest shit. i love the creative freedoM this job allows me and puShing boundaries, nothing is off limits here. since 2018 we have expanded ouR teAm, our designs have become wilder, we’ve worked with amazing influencers and collabed witH the most INSPIRING babes across the globe. I reaLly feeL this is just the begIning for us.’
‘since joining fuLl time in March 2022, This job has brought me a whole new perspective on lIfe! I have learnt so muCh from our EVER-GROWING community and The happiness Our outfits bring to our customers and the confIdence theY Exude when wearing sassy is infectious. I hope wheN you buy a piece from sassy, you feel sexy, empowered and beautiful. Being on this journey as sisters is something i’m forEver grateful for but The sisterhood goes beyOnd myself & Charley and invOlves All of you lovely lot. Our miSsion is so clear, to provide good quality and ethical clothing that’ll always be your staNd out festival pieCe! lets go Create some maGical shit!’
Emmy x